Designing effective, scalable, and sustainable policies and programs in education is challenging. Programs that work in one setting may not work in another. Programs supported through grants may not last once funding ends. Many programs require more resources and know-how than individual researchers and educators can provide to make them work for all students.
Design-Based Implementation Research (DBIR) is an approach to organizing research and development intended to address these challenges. It is an emerging approach to relating research and practice that is collaborative, iterative, and grounded in systematic inquiry. DBIR builds the capacity of systems to engage in continuous improvement, so that we can accomplish the transformation of teaching and learning we seek.
This web site provides resources and links to help you learn about DBIR. It is aimed at both researchers and educational leaders in schools, districts, and out of school settings. There are case examples, as well as specific tools and routines for organizing research and development projects that maintain integrity to the four principles of DBIR.
Introductory Papers
Supporting sustainability: Teachers’ advice networks and ambitious instructional reform.
C. E. Coburn, J. L. Russell, J. H. Kaufman, M. K. Stein (2012)
American Journal of Education, 119 (1), 137-182.
From new technological infrastructures to curricular activity systems: Advanced designs for teaching and learning.
J. Roschelle, J. Knudsen, S. J. Hegedus (2010)
In M. J. Jacobson & P. Reimann (Eds.), Designs for learning environments of the future: International perspectives from the learning sciences (pp. 233-262). New York: Springer.
Scaling up innovative technology-based mathematics.
D. Tatar, J. Roschelle, J. Knudsen, N. Shechtman, J. Kaput, B. Hopkins (2008)
Journal of the Learning Sciences, 17(2), 248-286. (Paywall)
Latest News
February 14, 2014
Educational Researcher article by Kris Gutiérrez and Bill Penuel on "Relevance to Practice as a Criterion for Rigor"Read More
February 14, 2014
Upcoming ICLS Pre-conference Workshops on Research-Practice Connections and DesignRead More
February 14, 2014
Upcoming NARST Workshop on Research-Practice PartnershipsRead More
February 14, 2014
Educational Researcher article by Kris Gutiérrez and Bill Penuel on "Relevance to Practice as a Criterion for Rigor"
February 14, 2014
Upcoming ICLS Pre-conference Workshops on Research-Practice Connections and Design
February 14, 2014
Upcoming NARST Workshop on Research-Practice Partnerships
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