Design Based Implementation Research

Organizing Coherent and Equitable State Systems of Science Education


This paper describes the need for equitable and coherent state systems of science education. It provides a vision guiding the Advancing Coherent and Equitable Systems of Science Education (ACESSE) project, an NSF-funded partnership among 13 states and two research institutions.

Preferred Citation: Penuel, W. R., Bell, P., Neill, T., & Shaw, S. (2016). Organizing coherent and equitable state systems of science education. Boulder, CO: ACESSE.

  • Paper

    Organizing Coherent and Equitable State Systems of Science Education

    Preferred Citation: Penuel, W. R., Bell, P., Neill, T., & Shaw, S. (2016). Organizing coherent and equitable state systems of science education. Boulder, CO: ACESSE.

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